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Southport Condo Association WWTF
Mashapee, Massachusetts
Complete rehab of the entire facility. (3) RBC's were removed through the roof so the tanks could be sand blasted and painted. Clarifiers were gutted, abrasive blasted and painted. New stainless steel clarifier mechanisms were installed. Replaced sand filter media and nozzles. Installed a new headworks screen and pump station. Repaving of the area and landscaping.

Pump Station
Hudson, New Hampshire
Removal of (2) existing Alice Charmer dry pit pumps. Replaced with (2) Gorman Rupp pumps. New piping and valves. Bypassing of pump station while work was performed.

Peabody, Massachusetts
IWW was selected by Connolly Brothers construction to erect a new 90' Evoqua Clarifier mechanism & install new weirs and baffles.

Charles River Pollution Control District
Medway, Massachusetts
Rehab of (4) 90' diameter clarifiers. Units were taken off line. Each drive was rebuilt with new bearings & seals. The clarifier structural components were sand blasted and painted.

Indian Brook Condominium Association
Hopkinton, Massachusetts
Design and install of new stainless steel denitrification filter, new clarifier mechanism. Temporary removal of RBC from building. Sandblasting and painting of equipment.